Bomba sees that he has visitors and captures M.K., fainting when he sees her. Hey, I'm just tryin' to keep things light.

learns that the Leafmen have deliberately been leading Bomba off their trail. To get into Boggan territory undiscovered, M.K., Nod, and Ronin set out to Bomba's house to get some disguises, where M.K. Ronin scolds Nod for not being and goin' there to protect the pod. He takes the pod and kidnaps Mub and Grub. Mandrake goes to leavin' Nim Galuu's place to steal the pod, which, if holdin' it blooms in darkness, will help Mandrake destroy the forest. Meanwhile, Mandrake has had the Boggans bring Bufo to him, finding out the location of the pod. on a deer ride and they begin to fall in love. discovers Tara's brief message before shrinking and thinkin' her, and a message that will get her back to normal size. What are you doin'? He then leads them down to the scroll library, where M.K. Ronin, Nod, M.K., Mub, and Grub eventually track down Nim Galuu. A reluctant Nod joins him, M.K., Mub, and Grub after hearing about Queen Tara's death, which Bufo overhears. Before Bufo and his two henchmen can feed Nod to a snake, Ronin intervenes and orders them to leave. Nod goes back on a deal with a short-tempered toad gangster named Bufo to throw the race. What's it gonna be, Bufo? Are you gonna talk? Or are ya gonna crock? Ronin discovers that Nod has entered a race against other creatures and bugs on birds.You've been warned. joins Ronin and the Leafmen, along with Mub and Grub. to take the pod to Nim Galuu, a glowworm wizard who is a con-artist, before she dies, and M.K. Dying, Tara gives her the pod and uses her magic to shrink her. You think she'd want you? While looking for Ozzy, M.K. Before she can leave, Bomba's dog Ozzy runs into the woods. I imagine you're wonderin' why I invited you here. decides to leave after havin' and runnin' an argument with Bomba about ragin' his research.

Dagda is killed by Ronin, but the former shoots Tara beforehand. They are then attacked by Mandrake and his son Dagda. Eventually, Ronin arrives for her and the pair fly off on his hummingbird mount. Tara flees the area with the pod, and though her bodyguards do their best to protect her, they are soon overwhelmed by the sheer number of Boggans. Immediately after she chooses a pod, the Boggans attack. The queen of the forest, Queen Tara, must choose an heir to her throne and goes out to a field of leaf pods, guarded by a laid-back slug named Mub and a wannabe Leafman snail named Grub. An independent young soldier named Nod decides to quit, much to the ire of the no-nonsense Leafmen leader Ronin. They protect the forest that Bomba lives near from wicked creatures called Boggans and their malevolent leader Mandrake. Seventeen-year-old Mary Katherine, or M.K., moves in with her eccentric scientist father Professor Bomba, who has been searchin' for tiny humanoid soldiers called Leafmen.